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The Team With New Award

Say What Team Diva Came Out on Top in 2014 – Why Yes!

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Say What Team Diva Came Out on Top in 2014 – Why Yes!

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The Team and the DivaHQ With Our Fancy new Award
The Team and the DivaHQ With Our Fancy new Award

Say What? Team Diva Came Out on Top in 2014! Today we are proud to announce we also received the award for the Top Producing Team and Top Producers for our Coldwell Banker Bain Lake Union office. And beyond that, we are in the Top Office in our region for Coldwell Banker branches with 50-100 agent, in the number one Coldwell Banker affiliate in the country. Holy smokes! Talk about busting through the glass ceiling with our small lesbian owned and highly diverse quirky team of hustlers. Big thanks to John Deely, our kick butt Lake Union Broker, the killer staff at our Lake Union office and, of course, Linda Aaron, our Techno-Nana, for their incredible support in 2014!!

Normally we do not promote or even talk about our ranking in the office to the public. To be honest our constant focus is on our clients and local community. But this last year was tough and we had a ton of changes. Honestly did not expect to make it to the middle of the pack. Lat year we started off with two new team members who were not only learning real estate but learning how Team Diva functions. And to make things more exciting our website crashed. Thanks to lots of work by Chris Clem and Justin we were able to jump start the old baby and finally make the transition to our new site. Good times! Later in the year Chris Clem left us to pursue a master’s degree at Georgetown. His absence is still being felt and it is only recently were we able to find someone to take over his role.  Also late in the summer we also transitioned from Capitol Hill to the Lake Union branch. (Don’t worry the DivaHQ is still above Retail Therapy on Capitol Hill!). The transition was a big shot of adrenaline in the Divaland arm. Hence, we finished off the year with a bang and had the best year ever. Basically, Divas Got It Done! #GenuineHustlers

Divaland Overview 2014

  • Donated over $12,000 to some of our favorite non-profits including, FIUTS, PSKS, Three Dollar Bill Cinema, Velocity Dance Center, Inspired Youth Project, the Imperial Court of Seattle, and a few others.
  • Our Diva Dwelling condos sold for 3.25% higher than the city of Seattle average.
  • Our Diva Dwelling single family homes sold for 1.74% higher than the city of Seattle average.
  • Our Diva Dweller buyers bought homes for 1.09% LESS than the city average. Yes not everything was a multiple offer.
  • Launched our rental support side of our business, Rent Guru – with Diva Dude Roy at the helm.
  • Diva Dude Rocky – rocked it by taking the lead on 14 buyers in his FIRST year in real estate. As a point of reference most newbie agents are lucky to close 3-5 deals in their first year.
  • Launched a new Diva Website – still a work in process but – it is pretty rad and mobile friendly!
  • Divas were lucky enough to share some of our Divaland practices at Agent Reboot in NYC and Seattle, and Coldwell Banker’s GenBlue Conference in Los Angeles.
  • We listed, sold, and closed 22 Diva Dwellings for our clients last year.
  • We helped 46 folks become Diva Dweller buyers last year. Although there were many 2nd and 3rd time home buyers in that mix – most of them were 1st time buyers. Diva dude Roy also helped 23 folks find rentals last year and – one of them as already made the transition to homeownership this year.

Looking over these numbers it amazing, humbling, and overwhelming we were able to accomplish all of this in 2014. But what we really think about are our clients. Like Mark T., who was finally able to sell his home for over full price after it had been underwater for years. Or Oliver’s parents flying into Seattle to sign paperwork so we could close the trifecta of Matt/Maddie/Oliver at the Miracle an Beacon Bluff. By the way Oliver had moved into Chez Diva and Maddie was renting the seller’s condo until we closed. Or Rocky selling his first home to his brother so they could continue to grow their family. So many awesome stories!

Thank you to our Diva Dwellers, Divotees, the drag queens that call our names at events, our team, Wazhma and Mara at Retail Therapy, and everyone who makes Divaland one hell of a place to exist, prosper, and grow. You make this magic happen?!

Chavi Hohm

Chavi Hohm

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