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Get Up, Get High: Team Diva’s Top Cafes and Pot Shops

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Get Up, Get High: Team Diva’s Top Cafes and Pot Shops

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Seattle has long been associated with a coffee culture. From our local bean behemoth Starbucks to the dozens of devoted micro-roasters, our cup of Joe is no joke. And now people are discovering that Joe is even better when it meets Jane. Mary Jane, that is.

Life in the Emerald City got a little greener in recent years, thanks to marijuana legalization! Despite threats from the other Washington, the local weed biz is booming. Both local weed-lovers and “green tourism” have contributed to the growth. This has meant a lot of new tax revenue, half of which goes to supporting Medicaid. The majority of the other half goes to the state’s general fund.

To give you an idea of how much weed people are buying, for 2018-19, the estimated tax revenue is $730 million. We’ll know the actual numbers for this fiscal year soon enough, as tax season comes to a close. In states along the west coast, the actual numbers have consistently exceeded estimates.

That’s just the money side. Arrests for and prosecutions against drug possession have plummeted, naturally. The stigma around marijuana use is fading, and this will hopefully spread to other parts of the country (in spite of bigots like Jeff Sessions).

Besides its known medicinal value, people are learning that a little weed can help with performance by lowering stress. Combined with a stimulant like coffee, you can achieve a sort of perfect balance. The java gets you up and at ’em, while the ganja lets you keep your chill.

We aren’t giving medical advice here, of course. Judge according to your own chemistry and tolerances. We’re just sayin’, if you start your day with a pot of coffee and end your day with a bowl of pot, you might want to give the mix a shot.

Team Diva HQ is in SoDo, which has become quite a destination for “green tourists.” Seattle’s first dispensary, Cannabis City, is just around the block, in fact. But, of course, work takes us all over Seattle (and beyond), so we’re well acquainted with pot shops throughout the city.

With the approach of the high-holy day of highs, 4/20, it’s the perfect time to talk about our favorite pot shops. With the return of spring and all the activity that comes with it, it’s also the perfect time to talk coffee.

Team Diva Recommends: Roy’s Favorite Cafes

Rent Guru Roy gets a lot of work done in cafes, and he has favorite spots all around town. He’s put together a list of 5 of his favorite cafes at the moment in central Seattle, from Pioneer Square to Queen Anne. Read all about it!

Team Diva Recommends: The Top of the Pot Shops

Like the best cafes, good pot shops have their own vibe and a knowledgeable, friendly staff. We’re suggesting 5 Seattle pot shops from Ballard to Skyway.

One final note:

Two different conversations about weed in Seattle are being had in our state capital and our nation’s capital. The Republicans in D.C. are talking about using federal authority to override the will of Washingtonians. Meanwhile, the Republicans in Olympia are talking about redirecting the revenue from excise taxes on weed.

In their proposed budget to fund education, the WA State GOP plays a “shell game” (to borrow the words of Rep. Reuven Carlyle) by severely cutting health and social services. Money currently going to Medicaid from weed sales would be taken away, even though it is only a fraction of what is required to fully fund education.

As you probably know, Team Diva is very focused on education and the fight for equity in our public schools. Read our recent recap of the three proposed budgets being debated in Olympia and what they mean for homeowners.

Team Diva

Team Diva

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