
Short Sale Resources

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Short Sale Resources

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The past couple of years have been very trying for families and individuals as they face declining home values, job losses and changes in their financial situations. Team Diva has seen an increase in the number of folks coming to us whose agents have left the real estate business, who have relocated to another city for their jobs and/or they are forced to sell their home at a loss. These transactions are called short sales – when someone owes more on their mortgage than they can sell their home for in today’s market.

The Divas and Matt Team Up for the Good of our Diva Dwellers

Team Diva decided early on that everyone deserves the same high quality of service as our Diva Dwellers, regardless of their financial situation or their home’s short sale status. Team Diva is very proud to partner with Matt Miner, a certified Short Sale Expert in our family of Coldwell Banker Bain real estate brokers.

Why Does Team Diva Work With Matt vs. “Professional Negotiator”?

Team Diva prides themselves on the comprehensive approach we take when working with our clients. We were immediately impressed by the environment Matt creates when assisting our clients through a difficult time in their lives. We expect everyone we work with to be smart and provide the same level of service we would provide to our own clients. A professional negotiator is not going to put their heart and soul into ensuring a positive outcome for our clients. Matt does that and more!

Managing a short sale can be very difficult and time consuming process. The national average for closing short sale homes is around 25%, with a bulk of the short sales ending in foreclosure. Matt closes 80% of his short sale listings. A good portion of his success comes from his disciplined process of managing information provided to the key decision makers within each of the financial institutions with a stake in the property. Matt is tenacious, very knowledgeable of the banking system and creates a good report with many of the bank’s decision makers. The results have saved many from foreclosure and ruining their credit.

Chat with the Divas if You or Someone You Know Needs Help

You or your best girlfriend might be in a situation that they did not expect to find themselves. They might have been happily married, a partner might have lost their job, they could be getting a divorce, etc. Regardless, please let us be a resource for you before just walking away from your home or going into foreclosure.

Dial up the Divas:
Call the Divas at 206-850-3102 or email us at TheDiva@TeamDivaRealEstate.com to setup some time. The coffee/vino is on us!

Home Ownership Resources Through Washington State: Objective, free information for Washington residents facing foreclosure, thinking of buying a home, and considering refinancing. More information >> homeownership.wa.gov

Making Home Affordable: The Obama Administration has introduced a comprehensive Financial Stability Plan to address the key problems at the heart of the current crisis and get our economy back on track. A critical piece of that effort is Making Home Affordable, a plan to stabilize our housing market and help from 7 to 9 million Americans reduce their monthly mortgage payments to more affordable levels. More Information >> Making Home Affordable

Chavi Hohm

Chavi Hohm

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