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The Seattle Foundation Give Big

GiveBIG Like a Diva

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GiveBIG Like a Diva

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GiveBIG2014_880px_publicpage_webbannerWe Divas have always been believers in the power of our local community. Besides the fact that we just love keeping Seattle awesome, a strong community also leads to happier, healthier, and more well-off individuals, which eventually translates into more homes sold! We have long been supporters of some of the most vibrant nonprofits in Seattle, having either raised or directly donated over $20,000 to local nonprofits such as Three Dollar Bill Cinema and Velocity Dance Center over the past three years. While this has had a huge impact on the work that these nonprofits do, we know we can always aim to do more.

Each year, the Seattle Foundation presents just the kind of opportunity to make our impact even bigger. It’s called GiveBIG and it is awesome! The Seattle Foundation’s GiveBIG campaign is a “one-day, online charitable giving event to inspire people to give generously to nonprofit organizations who make our region a healthier and more vital place to live.” Sounds like something right up our alley. How does it work, you ask? Simple. Tomorrow, Tuesday May 6th from midnight to midnight, all you have to do is find your favorite nonprofit organization (there are 1,600 profiled on the GiveBIG website!), make a donation to that organization, and then your donation will be “stretched” by the Seattle Foundation and its partners. That means, for one day only, your generous giving will be made even more generous! What a deal, not only for you, but also for these awesome nonprofits.

Whatever your big cause is, make sure you support it tomorrow, Tuesday, May 6th. Can’t decide which one to support because your heart is just THAT BIG?! Well here is a list of nonprofits that are near and dear to each Diva and Diva Dude’s heart:

  • Foundation for International Understanding Through Students (FIUTS): Diva Kim’s pick for the GiveBIG campaign is obviously FIUTS. The Divas have been long time supporters of FIUTS, an organization that promotes international education by connecting international students at UW with the local community through homestays, international events, and cross-cultural communication. Not only has Kim has been a board member on the FIUTS board, but the FIUTS executive director, Era Schrepfer, is a Diva Dweller too — so Team Diva-FIUTS love goes deep! If you love them too, make sure you donate tommorrow!
  • Inspire Youth Project: Diva Dude Rocky found this awesome organization and is currently working with them as the beneficiary for this year’s Divas Take the Hill Pride Kickoff party! This organization focuses on supporting the well-being of at-risk youth in Seattle, especially those that are affected by HIV/AIDS. We are excited to have them as our partner for this year’s Divas Take the Hill event (mark your calendars for June 12th!), but if you want to donate before then do it tomorrow!
  • Peace for the Streets by Kids from the Streets (PSKS): Diva Chavi’s nonprofit pick is last year’s Divas Take the Hill beneficiary and our newest community partner, PSKS! By now, you probably all know about the awesome work they do, but for those who don’t, here we go: PSKS works to support homeless youth in Seattle by creating space for community, helping to meet basic needs, and amplifying a voice for homeless youth by homeless youth. Want to get involved? Start by donating to our friends at PSKS tomorrow!
  • Sightline Institute: Diva Dude Roy has been following Sightline Institute for a year and a half now, but this place has been researching and delivering sustainable solutions to environmental and economic justice issues for 20 years. One of Roy’s favorite parts about this organization is the daily updates on issues that affect the daily lives of Cascadians, including ways to contribute to longterm solutions. Are you a dedicated environmental Cascadian? If so, donate to Sightline tomorrow!
  • Washington CASH (Community Alliance for Self-Help): Diva Dude Chris interned with Washington CASH for a whole year, working with their Latino program. Although he had to stop in order to focus on grad school applications, he has never stopped supporting and believing in the work that CASH does to support local, under-resourced entrepreneurs. From business development training, to legal advice and micro-lending, this place serves hundreds of low-income entrepreneurs every year to start sustainable and successful microenterprises. Is small business and economic development your shtick? Make sure you donate to Washington CASH tomorrow!
Chavi Hohm

Chavi Hohm

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