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February Diva Delights | Winter Gardens

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February Diva Delights | Winter Gardens

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The Divas love themselves a little green goodness in the backyard. It only takes a sprawling plot to liven up a drab backyard or a little boxed herb garden to spice up a deck. However, in the dead of winter, the green is a little harder to come by. It’s takes a persistent person and a little creativity to make a grey winter a green winter by creating a winter garden. Full of hearty classics such as kale and squash, these gardens will keep your home full of fresh veggies all winter long, perfect for cookin’ up some soups and stews in the kitchens we mentioned last week.
Exhibit #1: This design by Alderwood Landscape Architecture is a Diva dream. If we had a garden this big, we might never leave the backyard. What really makes this garden design stand out is the collection of raised beds. Raised beds are all the rage with gardeners these days for several reasons. However, the reason they make for the best winter gardens is that raised garden beds tend to have a higher average temperature than ground soil, also warming up sooner in the spring and cooling down later in the fall to extend normal gardening seasons. Second, because they are raised, these beds are much better at draining excess water and reducing soil compaction, a huge issue during the wet Seattle winter months.
Exhibit #2: Now, living in Seattle, most people don’t have access to the huge farms like in Exhibit #1. Most people are pretty limited on space and therefore have to be a little choosier with their garden spaces. This contemporary patio design by Exteriorscapes is the perfect example of how to maximize a patio for use by the urban farmer. These attached flower boxes act as miniature versions of the raised beds, both for temperature and moisture control. Although there is less garden rea estate in this version, the fact that this is just out on the porch makes going out in the cold to tend to your veggies is just a little more palatable.
Exhibit #3: This version of an outdoor garden/patio design struck us because of its pure creativity. Again, living the city life, it can often be pretty hard to find ample outdoor space for hang out time or for gardening. But this design by Scot Eckley Landscape Design and Construction combines the two by creating a space to comfortably enjoy the outdoors in the cold months while being in the presence of your potted garden. Instead of installing boxes or raised beds into a small area, this design uses pots as the vehicle for gardening. Pots act in the same manner as raised garden beds, with the added benefit of being decorative and portable. Between the fire and the decor, this space may very well become one of the favorites of the entire house.
Want some more winter garden inspiration? The Arboretum has an exquisite example of a winter garden for all to enjoy. However, make sure you wrap up in some layers before heading out – although it’s great to see some green again, remember it is still winter!
Chavi Hohm

Chavi Hohm

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