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Diva’s Take NYC & Coldwell Banker’s GenBlue

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Diva’s Take NYC & Coldwell Banker’s GenBlue

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DonnaTella Howe’s Big GenBlue Announcment

The Divas are taking on (or maybe taking over) the Big Apple for the Annual Coldwell Banker GenBlue Conference next week. We are beyond excited to be here first, because we get to rub shoulders with our Coldwell Banker peeps across the country and next because, we get to do it in NYC! Sure there will be tons of real estate hobnobing, some stellar classes and speakers, and the Roots will be playing at the big opening event but there will time for the Divas to enjoy some fab dance, amazing food, craft cocktails, shopping and hopefully, a Broadways show. Speaking of Broadway shows, we Divas were asked by the folks at Coldwell Banker National to whip up a short “countdown to GenBlue” announcement video to play for the entire GenBlue crew before the start of the event. Of course, we were incredibly flattered to be asked and said yes immediately. A soon as we got the word about the video we decided who better to make the “big announcement” for our video than our fabulous Drag Diva and hostess with the mostest herself, DonnaTella Howe. So look out NYC DonnaTella will be making her off off Broadway debut this Monday at GenBlue!

For those of us in the GLBTQ community, having a drag queen as the star of one of our Diva videos is no big thing. Plus, our local company Coldwell Banker Bain has only ever been supportive and encouraging in the divas constant strive to step out of the “real estate box.” But it is much easier to be an openly gay and recently legally married same sex couple, in Seattle, than it is in other parts of the country. We know that real estate is big business and that big business tends to lean toward the conservative so having the encouragement and support from the folks at Coldwell Banker National is huge for us. We thank them for supporting us, inviting us to prepare this video, agreeing to show the video and for giving our friend, our Diva Dweller and our biggest fan, DonnaTella Howe her first New York appearance! Look out, the Divas are taking NYC. We’ll see you at GenBlue!

Kim Colaprete

Kim Colaprete

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