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Celebrate Our Diva Dwellers & Divotees

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Celebrate Our Diva Dwellers & Divotees

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Every summer in July, Team Diva celebrates our Diva Dwellers and Divotees. Why? You sold them a house – is that not enough? Simply put, no, it’s not. Here at the DivaHQ we not only adore our clients, but we believe that they are the cornerstone of our success. Referrals from our Diva Dwellers and Divotees make up at least 45% of our home buying and selling transactions every year. Beyond just the business numbers, our Dwellers and Divotees are our friends who invite us over for dinner after work, our fans who allow us to celebrate New Year’s eve in their homes, our supporters during the tough times, and a constant reminder of why we have such a deep passion for being the best brokers we can be in this crazy world of real estate. Simply put, these “kids” mean the world to us!

Make sure you join us this season at our annual client party – The Do It Like Dolly for the Diva Hoedown and be part of the Diva Fan Club!

If you would like to learn about some of our fabulous Diva Dwellers, read more after the jump>>

To check out what our clients are saying about Team Diva, take a look at our Yelp!

Chavi Hohm

Chavi Hohm

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