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Advice From the Team to Win a Multiple Offer in 2021 in Seattle

How to Win a House in Seattle in 2021

How does one win a multiple offer in Seattle in the hot market that is 2021? That is the question we keep answering for our many Diva Dwellers aka Seattle homebuyers who are in this market right now. Last year Team Diva was able to assist more buyers into homes than the majority of the […]

Costly Home Update Mistakes That Sellers Make

Seller Education - Costly Home Update Mistakes That Sellers Make

Team Diva works with both savvy buyers and sellers, and we know exactly what buyers want. We also know what the likely selling price may be for different types of properties in Seattle and its surrounding towns, and there are certain updates that simply cost more than the value they add. At the end of […]

Remodeled West Seattle Bungalow: Our Top 5 Favorite Things 

Remodeled West Seattle Bungalow Living Area, Kitchen with Eating Space

This remodeled West Seattle bungalow is extra special for Diva Dude Roy Powell. It’s currently owned by some of his very close friends who completely transformed the home. Looking nothing like it did when they first bought it. They did all the hard work of stripping at least half the home down to its studs […]