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Team Diva’s Annual Report| Bye Bye 2015 – Hello 2016

Team Diva’s Annual Report| Bye Bye 2015 – Hello 2016 Summarizing an entire year of business, good times, new Diva Dweller pals, work/world travels and Diva events in one blog post is daunting to say the least. This was a non-stop powerhouse year for Team Diva, filled with major changes, some great accomplishments and plenty of […]

Size, Condition, or Location? Smart Buyers Choose Two!

You can never get everything you want so in this blog we discuss how you can only choose two criteria when buying a home - size, location or condition.

  Size, Condition, or Location? Smart buyers choose two! The housing market has been pretty intense for buyers the last couple of years. Record low inventory and a constant stream of new buyers have made house hunting a harrowing experience. If you want to buy a home in Seattle you are going to have to take […]

Hard Core Advice for Seattle Home Buyers in 2016

Team Diva will always be honest with our clients even if it is tough for them to hear the truth. This was true for our sellers during the Great Recession when prices were way low and they couldn’t sell their houses. We told them to hold tight and sell when the market improves. Many thought […]